Saturday, February 28, 2009

Milk Glass Mania!!

I'm not supposed to buy anymore dishes. Patrick thinks that I have too many (maybe I do). Well, I've discovered what I think to be the source of my obsessions...Country Living Magazine. I love this magazine, and each issue has a section on collections. I remember years ago reading about collecting vintage aprons.

then this happened...then there was the piece on cake plates...

(just a few of them)

A few weeks ago it was blue & white china and I added these:

to my existing collection:

And the most recent issues was about simple white dishes:

milk glass mixing bowls

scallop edge plates

a tumbler and 4 custard cups

Maybe I have a problem....

I also bought another teapot (no picture) and a beautiful pink glass that just makes me want to have a ladylike bedroom or serve pink lemonade...

Ahh...the joy of antique dishes...but I do have a place for everything that I buy!

Also, I did more baking this weekend. More bread, a chocolate cheesecake, and double chocolate cookies. So delicious!

I really want to redo our bedroom. We haven't really ever done anything to it. We just moved straight in and left the paint as is. It's green and I'm not a huge fan of green anyway. I want to do something bright and airy...I used to want it to be more reds and golds, but now I just want peaceful. We don't have real bedroom furniture either...just hand-me-downs from when we lived w/our parents, but it's hard for me to decide what to do. BAH. But first I need to clean and organize it well. Patrick said that I could get a new dresser for Valentines day and I've had a hard time picking it out. I dunno...we'll see what happens!



    I call that new pink glass for Wednesday.

  2. You have a beautiful home!!! I love all your cute little dishes. It's funny that you found the source of the problem.
    We loved loved loved the bread!!!! Its already gone:)
