Saturday, January 9, 2010

Resolution Check-in: week one

About a week ago I wrote this post about what I want to do better in 2010 (aka New Years resolutions). In an attempt to hold myself accountable, I have decided to revisit this list and post my progress on each of the listed goals. For now I will do it each week, I may eventually move to doing it once a month, we'll see! So here we go for some honest accountability!!

1. Improving my overall health. I lost 3 pounds this week!!! woohoo!!! I'm taking part in recipegirl's Ten in 10 Challenge over on my other blog where I am posting more details on all of this, but to some up my "action plan" I am tracking my calories using, focusing on eating more fresh fruits and veggies, and (as always) drinking tons of water. I also hope to start swimming (per my doctors, it is really the only cardio I can do at this point) at a local gym. My other health conditions are about the same as of right now. I did get a cortisol shot at my doctor's yesterday for my plantar fasciitis and, let me tell you, that is freaking miserable! I don't have a problem with shots or needles but this one hurt so bad and still does. Hopefully it helps soon!

2. Be a better steward of my money. I'm doing well on this too! I'm staying in the office most of the days on my lunch break (to help cut out fast food and impulse shopping) and hubs told me that we have spent about a third of what we normally spend in this statement period. Yay! I have purchased a few little things, but the total was under 10 dollars, and I paid in cash.

3. Letting things go. I filled a HUGE box with stuff I am getting rid of and just have to take it to the consignment store. I let go of a lot of things that I kept for "sentimental" reasons that I just have no use for. It feels good!

4. Waste less time. Hmm...well, I've still spent a ridiculous amount of time online with the bloggies, but I think I'm doing a little better. I'm knitting some again, and have been getting more done on my house. Baby steps right now.

5. Read Books. I have been doing better with this too! I am currently alternating between 3 books during my quiet times at night (which I have done EVERY night) and have done well with not reading other things during that time. I still have not gotten into any "fun" books though I'm wanting to start My Life in France. I think I need to work through my stack of Christmas baking magazines first...

6. Organize/cleaning. I'm definitely making progress in my scary room, but there is still quite a ways to go. The Christmas decorations are boxed up, but still sitting in the living room b/c I don't want to get in the attic when it's this cold! And I cleaned the kitchen surfaces really well...except for the floore. I hate cleaning the floor. blech. Need to do that today.

7. Spend more time w/hubs. This week has been much better! We've been intentional about spending time together, and I have been making an effor to say yes when he suggests something to do together, even if I don't really feel like it or think I have something "better" to do. I feel like we're connecting more and that makes me very happy!

8. Have time with God daily. I didn't include this in my orginal list, though I kinda touched on it in the "books" point, but this is integral. So far I'm doing well and doing this every night (morning just doesn't work for me). My plan at this point is reading a chapter from Psalms every night, then a reading from a daily devotional book and from a daily hymn devotional. Then I rotate between 3 other books, and end with prayer journaling. I've kept up with it every night so far and it really is helping me to get my focus back where it needs to be.

Well, that's it for my list right now and I'm feeling good about my progress! How are you doing with your "resolutions"?

1 comment:

  1. great job girl!!

    i still havent even finalized my goals! but i am thinking through them, i am just one of those people that takes awhile to come up with real goals you know?
