Sunday, March 21, 2010


My heart is full and welling up.

I spent this evening with one (well, actually three) of my former Bible study girls as well as several other women, some who I knew, some who I did not.  They came over to my house and we had dinner and fellowship, and then dear Lacey shared with us about how she is going to devote the next year of her life to serving the Lord in northern Africa.  Though I encouraged her to do this and have been in touch with her throughout the process, the magnitude of her decision did not really hit me until tonight.

For some reason, my mind doesn't really comprehend the danger that is inherient in this decision.  I don't know why, but I think of Africa as a safe place, while in reality what she is doing is not safe.  It is not comfortable.  It is not easy.  I am so proud of her.

Pray for Lacey as she prepares for this, and for Africa!


  1. awesome! I'll be praying for her. What an encouraging story. Generations of discipleship is a beautiful thing!

  2. She is blessed to have your support. I will be praying!
