Sunday, February 7, 2010

Resolution Check-in: Hello February!

Well, while everyone else is having Super Bowl parties and getting excited about all the sports (bah) I am sitting at home, doing some laundry and working my way through my DVR. Maybe I'm a loser, but I just don't care about sports and am also exhausted after the weekend (I seriously slept until 1 this afternoon...well, i got up at 8 and was up for an hour and then went back to bed, so yeah.) I have been hesitant about posting this b/c I'm frustrated, but, in the name of accountability, here goes:

1. Improving my overall health. I'm frustrated. I made good choices last week (I turned down Mexican food!) and exercised 4 out of 7 days (a first for me in a long time) because my feet were feeling better, so I was really feeling confident when I went to weigh in on Friday morning. well BOOO!!! No change at all. I was so cranky that I baked strawberry cake & brownies & cupcakes & hash brown casserole & pot roast & mexican dip. No, I really did all of that b/c of the friends who were coming to visit...but the leftovers were calling me today...and sadly I invited them in. It's just frustrating when you feel like you're doing everything you can possibly do but it doesn't make a difference! It makes me want to just give up and eat the yummies. Encouragement please!!!

2. Be a better steward of our money. So...I went back to TJ Maxx and bought that cast iron pan that I avoided last week... But only after talking to my mom about it and whether it would be a good "investment piece" for my kitchen. Then I saw a cheaper bigger cast iron pan at Walmart and bought that too, so I'm going to take one back. Weigh in on this for me. I like the apple pot, and it goes w/my kitchen, but it is 3 quart. Cute, but the other is 6 quart and $5 cheaper...what do you think makes more sense? Both are red and by Lodge, so they are the same in that area.

Basically, I spent more money this week than I've spent in a long time between groceries for my friends, some cookware, and little odds and ends. But I feel that I'm still making progress b/c I've been very careful about my choices, and called hubs to check w/him before buying anything.

3. Letting things go. Dropped off another box to Grandma's attic (and picked up a payment of $22!) and also allowed some friends to come by and pick through my yarn supply and take some stuff.

4. Waste less time. I got a lot done earlier in the week, but today I have done nothing but laundry. I think I need it though.

5. Read books. Browsed for "fun" books, but still can't make decisions. I think I will read "My Life in France" by Julia Child next. Right now it's in the floorboard of my car. (which looks like this again, sadly)

6. Organize/cleaning. Cleaned the main areas pretty well and am making progress on the craft room (will do an updated picture soon). I also started organizing some of my recipe files into a large binder w/sheer protectors. excited!! I need to re-do the car and work on the bedroom soon.

7. Spend more time w/hubs. Not so much. another week of being super busy and with my friends here saturday (and night...and preparing for them the day before), then him going to watch the Super Bowl with his friend. Well, not doing great. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing a lot of him next week to celebrate valentines day!

8. Have time w/God daily. Doing much better! I've joined the "5 o'clock club" (though I'm getting up much later than that) and it is really really helping me stay accountable for everything. I'm nervous about tomorrow morning, but it is definitely helping!

One thing I have learned through all of this is that posting on my goals every week keeps them on the forefront of my mind! Sorry to those of you who are mostly interested in food stuff...I know my posts have been super personal lately, but thanks for sticking with me!


  1. Dont get frustrated and give up on the health stuff!!
    1. It takes longer than a week for the effects of exercise to show up on the scale, so maybe next time if you dont see the feedback you want- keep at it and check back two or three days later.
    2. with conditions like yours the exercise is going to give you so many other benefits besides the weight loss- it will come- but focus on those benefits.

    and i like the cheaper bigger pot. :))

  2. I'm trying to do most of the items mentioned above. (I would go with the bigger pot too). I have way too much stuff, many many hundreds of cookbooks, and am a "neat" hoarder - God knows I need the 30 rolls of Wilton parchment paper I got at the 99 cent store !! Good luck.

  3. Toss the scale! It's so demotivating. Just concentrate on how your feel, how you look, and how your clothes fit. After all, the scale is just a number. It doesn't tell you when you've changed fat weight into muscle weight.

    The apple pot is way cute, but I'd got with the bigger pot, unless you only ever cook for 2.

  4. The apple pot is really cute, but I'd definitely go with the bigger cheaper one. Not only is it cheaper in price, but you can make bigger batches of things, like soup, in it to help stretch a buck! Freeze the leftover soup, and reheat it for a quick meal! And since you only had to cook it once, you've got more time to spend concentrating on the other things on your list!
